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A hobby turned into so much more

Beginning with our first flock of 10 in 2019, to over 80 in 2022, chickens have been such a joy to have at our home that we decided to share the eggs of our hens with our entire Athens community.

ABOUT Wildflower Homestead

In 2019, I got my first flock of chickens from Tractor Supply. Carolina was 6 months old and I had a feeling that I didn't want her to know life without these fluffy, feathered friends.


After we started collecting eggs, I would give some to friends, neighbors, and family. It was something that made my heart feel so full that I talked Sam into us getting 15 more after moving from our first house in Hull to our home in Winterville. I quickly realized (as did Sam) that once I started, I could not stop myself from getting a flock that would extend beyond our friends and family, but to our whole community as well.


With many bumps along the way, we have managed to raise a flock of over 80 chickens that we hope will supply our family and YOURS with farm fresh, pasture raised, well-loved chicken eggs in a beautiful variety of colors. I meticulously selected these breeds based on behavior and egg color, so when you open your egg carton, you not only see sustenance for your family, but a sample of natural beauty.


Based on the eggs laid that day, your egg carton may contain white, cream, brown, olive, blue, speckled olive, chocolate brown, and speckled brown eggs. 


Our eggs are currently available via roadside egg cooler (7 days a week) or Tuesday delivery.

I hope you enjoy!


100% Pasture Raised

Free-ranging for 10+ hours a day, our chickens enjoy the 2 acre pasture in front of our house where they can eat bugs and greens as long as the sun is up before putting themselves to roost in a cozy barn where they are kept safe predators and the elements. 

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